Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Nice Ride

now this is the way to travel! i spotted this vintage ride parked at a store front in Aspen. As i am constantly filling my tank with gas, i have visions of a wicker basket hanging from the bars and knitted panear packs drapped over the back wheel!
i do have a ride somewhat similar to this, a Vespa. Yes, an old beater that needs some work. my plan was to get started on it over the winter months, time just got away! now i am sad that my wheels are not up and running. it not only will take time, but a few bucks as well! i will keep dreaming as the gas prices keep rising :( this will be my ride someday soon

1 comment:

krazybarrister said...

hey, i've got a matching one! it's badly in need of a tune-up though. any recommendations?

pimp my ride

pimp my ride

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